By appointment only
- Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Hello and welcome.
Thank you for visiting our page. We are excited and honoured that you have taken the time to seek information about our services. YUTU Fitness offers evidence-based personalised strength, fitness and wellness programs delivered in an empowering and energetic style.
Ultimately, we are here to help you help yourself achieve your desired outcomes. This is done via building and creating healthy new skills, habits and confidence in your exercise & training abilities. Our goal is to nurture a space and a positive support network which will allow you to grow and develop at your own unique pace.
Launched September 2012 by Accredited ESSA Exercise Scientist & Personal Trainer, Linda Mrkic, YUTU Fitness’s philosophy is to make you feel empowered, confident, informed and supported with your training and skill development. We do not subscribe to strict dieting, speedy weight loss regimes, and the notion that there is only one way an individual must train and eat to obtain healthy and sustainable results.
We trust that each individual has their own unique training and eating style which will ultimately enable increased health, fitness and longevity. We believe in the action of choices and ultimately the power to choose better for oneself. Also, with time, and new research discoveries’, coaching is ever evolving (we never become static, or cemented in just one way of approaching health and fitness improvements).
We employ a holistic approach which honours and respects our client’s individualistic needs (physically, spiritually, emotionally, occupationally and socially). The team is here to help you find or fine tune your own health and fitness style through the promotion of healthy habits and behavioural changes that are in accordance with Fitness Australia, Exercise Sport Science Australia (ESSA), Nutrition Australia, Precision Nutrition, The NHMRC, The Healthy Food Guide and the Australian Government Measure Up Campaign. We believe that employing simple evidence-based strategies are so incredibly powerful, and even life changing for that matter.
Linda Mrkic is not a Dietician, Nutritionist, Psychologist nor Rehabilitation Specialist (Physio, Osteo etc.), therefore cannot and will not diagnose or treat any specific medical conditions nor prescribe specific dietary programs. Linda believes that if she feels as though she cannot help/assist you achieve your desired results, she & the team shall positively encourage you to seek out specialized assistance by a registered professional in the required field (referral process).
Linda humbly shares that yes she may have qualifications, but does not believe that she has reached her ultimate learning and coaching potential. She is committed to ongoing personal and educational development and is always eager for feedback from her clients and professional work colleagues.
By appointment only